Tuesday, 21 February 2023

Kanha National Park 3

Sugar Cane Juicer man getting his stall into position to catch the afternoon trade.

I spoke yesterday about the white bullock which hangs around the queue but what I forgot to mention was that he loves to follow the cane sugar juicer man around. 

The afternoon's race into the park.

Green Bee Eater

Indian Roller (I still prefer the LBR)

We managed to get the truck moved so the lighting was better, full expecting the bird to fly away as we were parked quite close but it stayed put and posed beautifully.

In fact we then wanted it to move so I could capture it in flight despite all our attempts, our naturalist even flapped his door open and shut, nothing would persuade it to take off.

Arses of India doesn't have quite the same ring to it as the African title, but this would certainly be a contender.

This little chap was just a few days old and I really regret stopping the truck to get a photo as it spooked the older monkey who fell off the fence and dropped the baby.

Eventually she scooped it up and fled to safety up the nearest tree, but I felt bad about it.

A dreadful picture of a Muntjac or Barking Deer (from the call sound) which is India's smallest deer and very shy.

There are many pretty views but this was quite nice although it was getting dark.

The following morning's drive was, for our truck at least, the most unproductive of the trip so far.  These photos are the only decent ones I took.

Striated Grassbird

Barasingha (aka Swamp Deer) m. and f.

Always happy to get a bird in flight even a large one like this Oriental Honey Buzzard.

Even happier to track it when the background was this complicated.

We did get word of a tiger sighting and joined the scrum line to watch for a while, but there was an elephant with his mahout following it and so the tiger stayed in the bushes - very sensible!