We feel rather like hamsters on a wheel - every day is the same; get up/safari/lunch/safari/dinner/go to bed with very little downtime. In a way it's good we're not having spectacular sightings, at least I don't need to worry about backing up my photos after each drive.
Jungle Owlet
Indian Vultures
Changeable Hawk Eagle
These strange little pompoms are bamboo flowers. The plants are monocarpic and so after taking 40 years to mature, they flower once and then die.
It was an incredibly quiet morning and we stopped for breakfast next to the abandoned petrol station.
Fortunately, given the litter problem in India generally, this is the first piece we've seen in a NP and although it's not excuse, it is in a designated rest area. I alerted our driver to this monkey and he immediately gave chase, but the monkey was just too quick.
Reminds me of Longleat Safari Park c.1968 when monkeys pinched the grommets off my Dad's bonnet - he was so cross.
Back at the hotel after lunch I decided to get some walking in. All we're doing is eating and bouncing around in the gypsies and I'm feeling fatter and fatter. I can do a fast 1km walk around the hotel and its lake and had just about enough time for 4 laps.
The leaves in this huge bowl are supposedly a natural mosquito repellent but the thing stands at the hotel entrance and is only about 4" off the ground - most of us have tripped over it so far.
There are two distinct parts to the place, the older accommodation where we're staying and the communal areas and then through this arch to much more modern glamping style accommodation.
Another lethal trip hazard
Even Ian looked lost sitting in this massive throne.